Can You Solve the Theory of Cells Flashcards

Can you solve the theory of cells? All the living things made up of cells, and they join together to form organs, which helps in running the body in different functions. Do give the flashcards a look and get to see just how much you know about cells and their makeup. Be sure to try the quizzes that follow to see how much you understand!

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Homologous pairs of chromosomes
Contain same types of genes. 44 pairs of chromosomes in humans can be grouped into homologous pairs.
Diploid body cells
Cells of humans have two of each type of chromosome and are diploid
Human gametes have only one of each type of chromosome and are haploid
Cell division in which homologous chromosomes separate from each other to produce four haploid daughter cells (eggs or sperm)
When gametes fuse during fertilization, a diploid ZYGOTE is created
G0 stage
Resting stage
Preparation for mitosis
G1 growth stage
S synthesis stage during which genetic material of teh cell is duplicated
G2 post synthesis gap
-chromosomes condense (become tightly packed)
-homologous chromosomes pair up and may exchange info(crossing over)
-spindle fibers (part of cytoskeleton) start to form
-nuclear membrane breaks down
Crossing over
Homologous chromosomes pair up and may exchange info
-chromosomes line up in A DOUBLE LINE along the equator of the cell
-spindle fibers attatch centromeres to the poles of the cell
-chromosomes line up in A DOUBLE LINE along the equator of the cell
-spindle fibers attatch centromeres to the poles of the cell
-chromosomes line up in A DOUBLE LINE along the equator of the cell
-spindle fibers attatch centromeres to the poles of the cell
One of each pair of homologous chromosomes are pulled to either side of the cell by the spindle fibers
-nuclear membranes form around the genetic material at either end of the cell
-spindle fibers break down
-chromosome de-condense (are held more loosely)
-CYTOKINESIS (division of the cytoplasm) occurs
-each new cell contains half of the chromosomes of the mother cell (each with two chromatids)
Division of the cytoplasm