Bio Final

Bio II Final

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Current classification of prokaryotes is based on
a) morphology of flagella
b) squencing of proteins, DNA, and RNA
c) occurrence of transverse binary fission
d) type of colony cormation
e) ability to stain the cell wall with Gram Stain
B) sequencing of proteins, DNA, and RNA
Prokaryotic cell walls consist of a network of polysaccharie molecules connected by cross-links of
a) other polysaccharides
b) lipids
c) polypeptides
d) ribosomes
e) chrosomal DNA
C) polypeptides
The enzymes for cellular respiration in eukaryotic organisims are located within the mitochrondria. In prokaryotic organisms, the enzymes are attached to the
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) ribosomes
d) circular dna
e) nuclear membrane
B) cell membrane
Which if the following differences between archaebacteria and bacteria is correct?
a) archaebacteria have peptidoglycans in their cell walls while bacteria do not
b) Archaebacteria and Bacteria have different lipids in their plasma mambranes
c) no
d) genes of most archaebacteria are not interrupted by introns
B) Archaebacteria and Bacteria have different lipids in their bilipid layer of the plasma membranes
A bacterium is found that can photosynthesize in the presence of light but uses hydrogen sulfide and releases elemental sulfer as a bi-product. This organism can be best classified as
a) chemoautotroph
b) chemoheterotroph
c) photoautotroph
d) photoheterotroph
e) pathogen
C) photoautotroph
Isotopic dating is a technique used in ____
a) carbon fixation studies
b) dating of microfossils
c) study of biomarkers
d) all of the above
D) all of the above
In a volcanic vent, rich in hydrogen sulfide..
a) cyanobacteria
b) bacteria
c) eukaryotes
d) Archaea
D) archaea
Which of the following characteristics is unique to the Archaea?
a) A fluid-mosiac model of plasma
b) the use of an RNA
c) Ether-linked phospholipids
d) A single origin of DNA replication
C) Ether-linked phospholipids
The ___ contains the genetic information of a prokaryotic cell
a) nucleoid region
b) pili
c) capsule
d) nucleus
A) nucleoid region
The horizontal transfer of DNA using a plasmid is an example of _____.
a) generalized transduction
b) binary fission
c) transformation
d) conjugation
D) conjugation
A common characteristic of Choanaflagellida is...
a) a single, unique mitochondria
b) space beneath the plasma membrane
c) silica covering
d) funnel-shaped, contractile collar
e) presence of a plasmodium
D) funnel-shaped, contractile collar
The tropical diseases such as African Sleeping Sickness, etc are caused by
a) forminifera
b) sporozoans
c) phtyomastigotes
d) trypanosomes
d) oomycetes
D) trypanosomes
Oomycetes are charactized by all of the following except they
a) produce zoospores asexually
b) are able to reproduce sexually
c) contain motile spores
d) contain two unequal flagella
d) were once considered animals
D) were once considered animals
Multiple fission is also referred to as ____
a) budding
b) zygotic meiosis
c) schizogony
d) syngamy
e) intermediary meiosis
C) schizogony
The life cycle of a Paramecium involves which of the following processes?
a) mitosis only
b) meiosis only
c) fertilization only
d) mitosis and meiosis
e) mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization
E) mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization