BIO Test 1

Vocab, descri ptions,

99 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which of the following would NOT be a chareacteristic of "life"?
Inability to change
All of the above
The study of biology is important because
It provides understanding of LIFE
Which is the smallest unit of life that can exist as separate entity?
A molecule
The DNA molecule is most similar functionally to a
Computer memory chip.
The ability to acquire, store, transfer, or utilize energy is called
Homeostasis provides what kind of environment
Of the following which is the first explanation of a problem (sometimes called an "educated guess"
In order to arrive at a solution to a problem, a scientist usually devises one or more
The contril in an experiment
Allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group
Water is an example of a
Which includes the other four
The atomic number refers to
The number of protons in an atom
Radioactive isotopes
Have an excess number of neutrons
The negative subatomic particle is the