Bio Test Flash Cards- Human Evolution

This is the timeline of human evolution. it starts from 65 million years ago to modern times. 

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 10 types of human classification?
Domain, kingdom, phylum, sub phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, sub species
What is our domain type
Eukarya-with a nucleus
What is our kingdom and what does it do?
Animalia-ingests food and has internal digestion
What is our phylum and what are the 4 requirements?
Cordata1. dorsal nerve chord2. notochord3. pharyngeal gill slits4. post anal tail
What is out sub phylum? describe.
Vertebrata- bony spine
What is our class, requirements, and types?
Mammalia. must have hair and can produce milk. the types are marsupials, monotremes, and eutherians. marsupials develop in pouch, monotremes lay eggs, and eutherians have a placenta and develop internally.
What is our order and requirements?
Primate. opposable thumb and eyes forward
What is our family?
What is our genus?
What is our species?
What is our sub species?
When did primates originate and what is their description?
65 million years ago and they were arboreal, insectivores, and small.
What are the sub groups of primates?
Prosimians and Anthropoids
When did Prosimians originate, what is their characteristic. and name one example.
50-55 million years ago, nocturnal, and lemurs
When did anthropoids originate, characteristics, and name 5 examples
45-50 million years ago, dinural with larger brains and color vision, includes monkeys, gibbons, apes, orangutans, and humans