BioG 1500/ Frog Heart

Frog Heart

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Frog Heart= Amphibian Heart Characteristics
1. three main chambers
2. two atria
3. one ventricle
Right Atrium Blood Circulation
It receives desoxygenated blood from sinus venosus which receives blood from systemic circulation via vena cavae
Blood Circulation Steps: Breathing Air (Frog)
1. Right Atrium: it receives desoxygenated blood from sinus venosus which receives blood from systemic circulation via vena cavae
2. Left Atrium: receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via pulmonary veins
3. oxygenated and desoxygenated blood are initially separate then blood flows to large muscle ventricle
4. ventricle pumps blood to large vessel, the conus arteriosus
which directs the blood under high pressure into the ventral aortae and through both the pulmonary and systemic systems.
Left Atrium
Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via pulmonary veins
Underwater (frog) Blood Circulation
-underwater lungs are non functional
-each pulmocutaneous arch separates into a pulmonary artery (to the lung) and a cutaneous artery (to the skin)
-when frog is submerged: sphincter at base of the pulmonary artery contracts causing a decrease in blood flow to the lungs and an increase in blood flow to skin
-cutaneous respiration supports the body's need for O2
Waste products are filtered into the lungs to be exhaled, and oxygen is filtered from the lungs into the blood, to be carried back
Frog Breathing during Development
1. Tadpole : breathing through skin
2. Metamorphosis: breathing w/ gills
3. Frog: breathing with lungs
Spiral Valve Role/Action (frog)
==> prevents blood from mixing too much
-lungs receive desoxygenated blood
-systemic arch (to the trunk/rest of the body) receives both -oxygenated and desoxygenated blood
carotid arch (to the head) receives primarily oxygenated blood
Sinus Venosus Role
Responsible for contraction of atria
Temperature of air or water increases
- - -> physiological processes accelerate
-relationship between temperature and physiological rates is measured by Qx.
Q10= rate at temp (T+10o)/ rate at temp. (To)
==> it describes the factor by which the the rate increases when the temperature is increased by 10o
Sac covering heart
Supports and connects internal organs
Vocal Sac
Amplify male's call
Nuptial Pads
- male characteristic
- help grasp and hold female for mating