Biology 100 Final

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79 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The sum of all chemical reactions within living cells to break down complex molecules into smaller compounds is called:
In a protein, the amino-acid is considered a:
Are non-cellular biological entities
When thinking about amino-acids:
Hydrophilic amino-acids can be positive or negative Hydrophilic amino-acids can be neutral (no charge)
Living organisms, by definition:
Reproduce, grow and develop Are composed of cells (at least one)
The four kingdoms of Eukarya are:
Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia
Is the universal energy carrier Has three phosphate groups per molecule
When thinking about the domains of life:
Archaea are closer to Eukarya than to Bacteria
When thinking about evolution, what is the right statement:
Humans and chimpanzees come from a common ancestor
DNA is:
The cellular hereditary material The ‘blueprint of life’ Used as the basis for reproduction
Can contain DNA, but not always do
In an evolutionary tree:
Branch points define common ancestors Tip of the branches define different species
A chemoheterotroph:
Utilizes organic compound as source of energy and source of carbon
What organisms, based on evolutionary trees, are the first to have ‘true’ sexual reproduction:
The kingdom Plantae is composed of:
: Photoautotrophs