Biology 101, Exam 4 Flashcards

Cards made for my college biology 101 class, specificly for exam 4. do not shuffle!

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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A group of individuals of the same species living within a specified area is a
the number of individuals per unit of area or volume in the habitat is
Population density
  • Forced by the occurrence of resources, ______ is the most common dispersion pattern in nature.
  • Humans in North America show a ______ distribution pattern.
the maximum rate of increase in numbers by a population is
Biotic potential
the factors determining population size
Births, deaths, immigration, and emigration
  • When births and deaths are equal, there is
ZPG or ‘zero population growth.’
The ‘intrinsic rate of increase (r) is
the difference between the birth rate and death rate
When limiting factors are absent, population growth is
  • exponential (a ‘J-shaped curve’).
Ideally, populations are limited in size by the habitat
‘carrying capacity (K).’
Carrying capacity (K) is determined by
  • resource availability and organismal tolerance of habitat conditions.
If population changes are not related to its size, the causative factors are called
  • ‘density-independent.’
  • For example, a flood that eliminates a population of rabbits would be a _____-_____ event.
  • On the other hand, food supply would be regarded as a ____-____ control on a population.
  • A weather-related event, such as a drought, would be called a ____-____ control.