Biology 120 Test 4

Biology 120 with coombs 2011 exam 4

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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When does DNA seperate into single chromosomes?
Meiosis 1
In what stage does chromosome cross over occur?
Prophase 1
What is the site of chromosome cross over called?
What allows some genes to sort independently from eachother
Independent Assortment: occurs due two pairs of homologous chromosomes can be arranged in two different ways at metaphase I of meiosis
Why do some gene pairs consengregate?
Split cells from parent cells and produce gametes
What is a single trait that more than 2 alleles?
What is Epistasis?
condition in which certain alleles of one locus alter the expression of alleles of a different locus
What is Nondisjunction?
Abnormal separation of sister chromatids or of homologous chromosomes caused by their failure to dijoin properly during mitosis or meiosis
What is a Barr Body?
a condensed and inactivated X chromosome appearing as a distinctive dense spot in the interphase nucleus of certain cells of female mammals
What is Codominance?
condition in which two alleles of a locus are expressed in a heterozygote (A, B, AB blood type)
What genetic difference causes Sickel cell amnemia
Have amino acid valine instead of glutamic acid at position
Beadle and Tatum
one gene, one-enzyme hypothesis, each mutant strain had a mutation in only one gene and that each gene affected only one enzyme. Conclusion: genes regulate specific chemical events
Who proposed the double helix model of DNA structure? What experimental data was their model based on?
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice WilkinsX-ray crystallographic films of DNA patterns
What was the work and conclusion of Briggs and King regarding the intracellular location of genetic material?
Transplanted nuclei from frog cells at different stages of development into egg cells whose nuclei had been removed. A transplanted nucleus cannot control normal behavior.
What is the shared term for the monomers that make up DNA and RNA?
Amino acids