Biology Lab Final

Flash cards for bio 2 lab final

170 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the blind spot and why is it called this?
The point where the optic nerve exits the eyeball. It is called the blind spot because there are no photoreceptors (light-detecting cells) in this area.
How do you measure the density of touch receptors?
The two-point discrimination test.
If a person has a greater density of touch receptors in a certain area, that person is better able to...?
Discriminate between two points of contact versus one point of contact
What is a reflex?
A simple, stereotyped movement
How is a reflex evoked?
By sensory stimulation
Name two types of tendon reflexes.
Achilles and patellar
Describe how a reflex works.
1) Tendons are mechanically stimulated by a tap, which causes the sensory neurons of the tendon to transmit impules to the spinal cord.2) In the spinal cord, the sensory neurons stimulate motor neurons.3) Motor neurons stimulate the contraction of the same muscle attached to the stimulated tendon. 4) The contracting muscle tugs on the tendon, resulting in movement of a bone opposite the joint.
What is inspiration or inhalation?
Movement of air into the lungs
Describe inhalation.
Air moves into the lungs as the thoracic cavity expands due to contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.
Describe the diaphragm.
The dome-shape muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities
Where are the intercostal muscles and what are they capable of?
They lie between the ribs and they can expand the chest cavity.
What is expiration or exhalation?
Expulsion of air from the lungs
Describe exhalation.
The diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, allowing the lungs to passively recoil and air to be expelled from the lungs.
Forced expiration requires contraction of other muscles, such as?
The abdominals
Our bodies have sensors that detect the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and when CO2 increases and O2 decreases (or vice versa), this information is relayed where and what happens?
The information is relayed to the respiratory center in the medulla of the brain by the sensors and this causes you to increase or decrease the rate and forcefullness of breathing accordingly.