Block 4 Chaplain Assistant Apprentice Course

Technical Training - Chapel Resource Management

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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A well thought-out religious program plan enables?
The AF Chaplain Corps to deliver spiritual care and guarantee the free exercise of religion for Airmen and their families.
There are how many phases in a religious program planning cycle?
During this phase: The ultimate goal during this step is to formalize a list of religious programs that are designed to meet the validated spiritual needs of Airmen and their families.
Program Development
During this phase, annual cost estimates are developed based on the religious program plan.
Developing Resources Requirements
During this phase: The programs listed in your Chapel Program Plan must be continually evaluated for impact and influence on the community.
Support agreements are agreements between organizations that outline support such as?
Manpower, Facilities, Resources
The purpose of a support agreement?
Is to state clearly the agreement that has been reached between activities involved.
What outlines the responsibilities assumed by each party and to document recurring day-to-day peacetime support?
Support Agreements
What are agreements between Air Force and Air Force organizations?
Intra-Service Agreements
What are agreements between Air Force and Other Service or DoD components?
Inter-Service Agreements
What are agreements between Air Force and other non-DoD Federal Activities?
Intra-Govermental Agreements
Who is the lead in administering the support agreement program?
The Support Agreement Manager (SAM)
Most Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) are used to?
Define areas of broad agreement between two or more parties.
What is defined as equipment, furniture, material, or ecclesiastical items costing $1,000 or more?
Fixed Assets
When do you perform an inventory of fixed assets?
In September, to certify all assets are accounted for.