Blood Lab Part 2- Urine, Etc.

SPC blood lab

285 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What does a urine physical exam include
-gross exam
What are the 4 methods of urine collection
-manual expression
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the urine void collestion method
-least traumatic
-not easiest to obtain (especially if the dog is short, if. Bassets)
-contamination is a problem
-not sterile
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the urine manual expression collection method
-used for dogs that can't get up/walk/go to the bathroom on their own
-possibility of a bladder rupture
-potential for hematuria
-not sterile
-can have contaminates
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the urine catheterization collection method
-can be used on dogs that can't get up
-can obtain more squamous epithelial cells due to the scraping of epithelial cells of the lower urinary tract
-relatively sterile
-decreased chance of contamination
-easy to do on males
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the urine cystocentesis collection method
-preferred for culture
-best for microbiology
-true bladder sample
-ultrasound guided is best
-sterile if performed correctly (cleaned with surgical prep)
-remove the needle before placing in sample tube or culturette
-may need to use an ultrasound to do
What should you do when you have collected the urine (the amount that you collected)
The quantity/volume of urine that was collected needs to be noted
In what type of bowl should a voided urine method be collected in
A sterile bowl
If urine is placed in the fridge, what should you do before evaluating it
Let the urine come to room temperature before evaluating it
-keep some urine aside in case the doctor wants to send some out for a culture
How much urine do you need to collect
-at least 6 mls
-ideally: 10 mls
-preferred: 12-15 mls
What is the most important thing when it comes to the urine collection and evaluation
Be consistent in your clinics
What can the color of urine be affected by
-dyes in foods
What are the 7 different colors that urine can be
-light yellow
-med yellow
-orange (from drugs)
-green (from drugs)
-white (pus or UTI)
What are the different classifications of urine turbidity/transparency
(make sure the urine is put into a clear container so it isn't mistaken for cloudy)
What is the normal specific gravity of urine for a dog? cat?
Dog: 1.001- 1.060
cat: 1.001- 1.080
(no units because it is a ratio)