Blood Vessels Chapter 18

Vessels Biol 252

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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All animals from sperm+egg
Ex ovo omnia
William Harvey
Artery layers
Connective TissueSmooth muscles / Elastic TissueEndothelial cells(lumen)
Artery types
ELASTIC - thick walled, near heart, elastin in all three tunics
MUSCULAR - blood to organs , less elastin more myo
ARTERIOLES - blood to capilaries, less CT
Thinners walls, myolarger lumen, more blood
moved by sk. myo, backflow stopped by valves
Thin endothelial layer = wall
exchange gas/nutrients via diffusion (active transport for large molecules)
Capillary Beds
Btw arterioles and venules
sphinters at ends or arterioles -> reg blood flow
Blood Flow
F = Pressure / Resistance
pressure = force exerted on vessel walls, aorta pressure strongest
1 Blood viscosity
2 Vessel length (^length -> ^R)
3 Vessel diameter (smaller diameter -> ^R) constricting diameter = best way to increase P
Systemic BP
Systolic (during ventricular contraction) (120)
MAP - mean arterial pressure (highest in aorta, 0 in R atrium)
Diastolic (during relaxation) (80)
Cardiac Output
CO = MAP / Peripheral Resistance
(F = P / R)
maintain BP
BP controls
Short term-alter resistance-by NS and chemicals
Long term-reg blood volume
Nervous System Reg
SYMPATHETIC--keep vessels slightly constricted-if ^BP -> baroreceptors to medulla -> inhibit SNS -> dilate vessels
PARASYMAPATHETIC-if ^BP -> PNS to SA node -> down CO -> down BP
Local ruptures, hemorrhage, elastic damage, backflow pressure in heart
TREAT-vasodilation-^urine production (b/c down vol) -> restrict salts (need less blood to keep body dilute)