Her lecture 17 and my notes.

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What is the pattern of the book of judges?
Apostasy, oppression, repentance, deliverance, repetition
Who are the major judges?
Deborah, Barak, Gideon, Samson, Jepthah, Othniel, Ehud
What are the messages of the book of Judges?
Disobedience brings punishment, Sets stage for kingship, Emphasizes God’s sovereignty
Who was Egypt fighting at the time?
The Hittites
Where was oppression from?
Moab, Philistia, Amalekites/Midianites, Ammonites
What is the recurring quote?
"did evil in eyes of the Lord"
How many minor judges were there?
Describe the judge Deborah.
Prophet, Excercized authority from Bethel, in battle against Jabin strong character, contrast to Barak’s weakness
Who kills Sisera?
What were the locations for Deborah?
Hazor, Mt Tabor, Kishon Brook, Naphtali, Zebulun
What is Barak's weakness?
Lacks courage
Who were the oppressors of Gideon?
Midianites, Amalekites, other eastern peoples
Who were the oppressors of Deborah?
Jabin (king of Hazor) and his general, Sisera
What were the locations of Gideon?
Tribe of Manasseh, Midianites, Amalekites, other eastern people, Gaza, spring of Herod, Mt. Moreh
What are the signs and need for encouragement of Gideon?
Takes a while for him to believe Fire and fleece tests, dream overheard