Braiding and Braid Extensions

Hair school

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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In some African tribes different styles of braiding signify a persons within the community.
Social Status
What braiding styles is best for Diamond facial shape?
Braids full around the forehead or jawline to help create a more oval appearance.
Soften fringes around the face will do what to the triangular face shape without closing up the face.
What can we do to create a shorter and wider illusion for an oblong facial shape?
Creating full styles
What is the best braid for a round facial shape?
Add height to create the illusion of thinness
What can we do to create the illusion of length and soften facials for a square face?
Choose styles that frame the face around the forehead, temples, and jawline.
In regard to a "wave pattern" what is a coil?
Very tight curl, spiral in formation
When referring to braiding "texture" refers to?
Diameter of the hair strand, feel of the hair, the wave pattern of the hair.
Natural or Virgin Hair-
No previous colorings, chemicals, or physical abuse, treatments.
What style is best for oval shape?
Most braided styles are appropriate
Natural Hairstyling-
Uses no chemical or tints and does not alter the natural curl or coil pattern of the hair.
What is the goal when creating a style for the inverted triangle face shape?
Minimize the width of the forehead by styling with partial bangs and braids that frame the face.
What is the boar bristle brush used for?
Stimulating the scalp as well as removing dirt and lint from locks.
What is another name for the boar bristle brush?
Natural brush
Dries the hair without disturbing the finished and without removing moisture.