CAPE Information Technology Glossary Flashcards

What we have here is a cape information technology glossary. If you are taking up the course and want to review what you know about some of the terms you have come across, you are in luck as the flashcards below are perfect for you. How about you try it out and get to see what new ones you may learn.

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Access method
The mechanism for transferring data from a storage medium on the computer to or from an input/output device
Application software
Programs which perform data processing OR user desired functions instead of computer management /control functio
System architecture
A description of all functional activities to be performed to achieve the desired mission of a system : the system elements needed to perform the functions, and the designation of performance levels of those system elements.
An architecture also includes information on the technologies, interfaces, and location of functions and is considered an evolving description of an approach to achieving a desired mission.
The act of creating the software planned by translating it from the algorithm to an actual programming language
The transmission of data from one place or device to another
The relative or functional arrangement of components in a system
A general term used to describe facts, including those that refer to or describe an object, idea, condition, situation, or other factor, numbers, letters, or symbols. It connotes basic elements that can be processed or produced by a computer.
Data management
Providing or controlling access to data stored in a computer and the use of input/output devices.
The amount of computing resources and code required by a program to perform a function.
The physical equipment or devices that form a computer
Organised and contextualised data elements that make sense
Information flow
The sequence, timing, and direction of how information proceeds through an organization.
Data integrity
The state achieved by maintaining and authenticating the accuracy and accountability of system data, hardware, and software.
The ability to provide services to or accept services from other systems, subsystems, or components and to use the exchanged services effectively.
The effort required to locate and fix an error in an operational program.