Causes of Civil War


7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What was the Missouri compromise?
In 1820 the Compromise resolved the issue of slavery for a short period.delayed the issues for 25 years It was a natural border for the cotton farming so slave owners agreed to it.
What happened to the territory taken from the Mexican-American War?
The territories were debated upon whether the eventual states would be slave states or not. The senators sided as Northerners or Southerners rather than Whigs or Democrats.
What are the differences between Free soilers and the Popular sovereignty?
Free Soilers: no extensions of slavery as it is a Moral Evil and small farmers couldn't compete with big plantation owners. Popular sovereignty: The local legislature should decide the slavery laws and any law that stops slavery is unconstitutional.
How did slavery change the political spectrum?
The Whigs and Democrats broke apart and people sided with the Republicans and the Know Nothings and Free Soilers.
What were the main tenants of the Republican Party?
Slavery was morally wrong, against Fugitive Slave Act, against internal slave trade. They didn't to disrupt the economic flow of areas with slavery.
When was Uncle Tom's Cabin published?
What/when was the Dread Scott Case?
Dread Scott was taken from a slave state to a free state. He sued the federal courts for freedom because he and his family should be free because they were in a free state. SHABAM!