Causes of World War II Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the topic Causes of World War II. Learn every single concept and learning from these flashcards which are based on Causes of World War II. Don't miss out on any term, definitions, and much more related to these flashcards.

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Who was the leader from England? What did he want?
Lloyd George- compromise between The US and France
Who was the leader from France? What did he want?
Georges Clemenceau- revenge on Germany
Who was the leader from the US? What did he want?
Woodrow Wilson- 14 point plan treaty
What were the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
War Guilt Clause, Reparations, Disarmament, Territorial Clauses
What was War Guilt Clause?
Germany should accept the blame for starting World War One
What was Reparations?
Germany had to pay 6,600 million pounds for the damage caused by the war
What was Disarmament?
Germany was only allowed to have a small army and six naval ships, no tanks, no airforce, no submarines allowed. Rhineland area demilitarised
When did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?
What was Hitler's first action after gaining power?
Secretly built up Germany's army, built arms against the treaty
What did Britain and France think about Hitler's actions?
They were aware of them, but were concerned about communism and thought that if Germany was stronger, communist wouldn't spread to the West
What did Hitler's troops do in 1936?
He ordered them to enter the Rhineland (going against the treaty again)
What did Britain and France do about Hitler's troops entering the Rhineland?
They could easily defeat Germany, but didn't want to start another war
What two alliances did Hitler form during 1936?
Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and Anti-Comitern Pact
What was the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact?
It joined Germany with Italy
What was the Anit-Comitern Pact?
It joined Germany with Japan