CDE Test 2

Child development Test 2

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which sequence of development means "from head to tail"
When sequence of development means "from the CENTER outward"
Matthew is 20 months old and has been diagnosed as having non organic FFT (NOFFT). This is thought to be:
Psychological and Social cause
Breast milk is related to
Decreased likely hood of obesity for the child later in life.
Neurons are wrapped in a fatty substance called
Rats placed in "enriched" environments`
Develop heavier brains
All of the following are sequences in physical development EXCEPT:
Reflexive swimming and stepping movements
Are just that, reflexive, and then they disappear
Which of the following represents a primary circular reaction
Kala accidentally touches her nose with her thumb and repeats it
Emma is 7 months old. She shakes a rattle so it will make a noise she likes. This is an example of
A secondary circular reaction
How do primary and secondary circular reactions differ?
Primary focus on the body, whereas secondary focus on the environment
Object permanence refers to
A recognition that things exist that cannot readily be seen
Piaget's stage of cognitive development
Have been documented in children cross culturally
Which of the following is TRUE of infant memory
Infants demonstrate memory for experiences they had while in utero
In terms of language
Children can understand many more words than they can speak