The Central Nervous System

Central Nervous System

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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The CNS is made up of ...
The brain and spinal cord. (peripheral nervous system is basically everything else)
The spinal cord is made up of..
vertebrae; epidural space filled with fat; dura matter; CSF; pia matter
describe the gray matter of the spinal cord
shaped like the letter H or a butterfly; contains neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated axons/dendrites.
describe the white matter of the spinal cord
covers the gray matter
describe the function of the tracts of the spinal cord
sensory = ascending tracts and motor = descending tracts. they are a highway for sensory and motor information.
what are motor tracts?
descending tracts of the spinal cord.
what are sensory tracts?
ascending tracts of the spinal cord
what is the spinothalmic tract of the spinal cord?
a sensory tract; plays a part in pain, temperature, deep pressure recepting
what is the posterior columns tract?
a sensory tract; plays a part in discriminative touch, pressure and vibration recepting
what are the corticospinal and coricobulbar tracts?
direct motor tracts; for precise/voluntary movements
what are the rubrospinal and vestibulospinal tracts?
indirect motor tracts; automatic movements; posture and muscle tone
what is a reflex arc and what are its components?
an automatic response to change; a specific nerve impulse pathway. components:1. receptor2. sensory neuron3. integrating center4. motor neuron5. effector
describe stretch reflexes
ex: patellar reflex. brain sets muscle spindle sensitivity as it sets muscle tone
describe tendon reflexes
control muscle tension by causing muscle relaxation that prevents tendon damage. activated by stretching of tendon
how many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs; named and #d by the cord level of origin.8 pairs of cervical nerves (from C1-C8)12 pairs of thoracic nerves (from T1-T12)5 pairs of sacral nerves (S1-S5)and 1 pair of coccygeal nerves