Central Nervous System

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The worm-like ridges on the surface of the brain are called __.
The thin, web-like membrane between the outer and inner layer of meninges is called the __.
Arachnoid mater
The right side of your brain controls the __ side of your body.
The __ of the spinal cord supplies nerves to the lower limbs, whereas the __ supplies nerves to the shoulders and arms.
Lumbar enlargement; cervical enlargement
The innermost layer of meninges that supplies blood vessels to the brain called the __.
Pia mater
The __ separates the two hemispheres.
Longitudinal fissure
__ tracts within the spinal cord carry motor impulses to the muscles.
The __ connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
Corpus callosum
The __ is the major part of the brain that controls higher mental activities, such as learning and making decisions.
__ tracts within the spinal cord carry sensory impulses to the brain.
The outermost of the three meninges is the __.
Dura mater
The fluid that filled cavities within our brains are called __.
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded (and float within) __.
Cerebrospinal fluid
The __ consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
Brain stem
The __ system controls emotional experiences.