PPR Certification Test Flashcards

Prepare for the PPR Certification Test Flashcards in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the PPR Certification Test Flashcards and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

150 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Ability grouping
Placing students for instruction based on their abilities
Abstract concepts
Non-observable concepts that are acquired only through the senses because they do not possess physical qualities
Abstract thinking
Cognitive thought that is apart or remote from any concrete reality or particular material object
Academic learning time
The amount of time a student is actively engaged in learning academically relevant material
The goal of receiving the required curriculum but at an increased level
Changes or modifications in the way students receive instruction to enable them to improve their learning or an experience
Holding schools and teachers accountable for students performance
The act of succeeding in doing something or accomplishing a desired goal
Achievement test
The process of measuring mastery of a given subject or specific skill
Active listening
Focusing attentively on what a student is saying
Admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee
A group of people who meet for the purpose of monitoring a student's educational process and making decision on services that should be available for that student.
Advanced organizers
An approach to teaching that utilizes what the student already knows to relate to new material and ideas. These are often in form of bold headings in textbooks.
Advocate for students
A professional who works wit the family, the student, and the school to ensure that each student receives the appropriate education necessary to optimize achievement of the higher level of his or her potential.
Affective domain
Behavior that reflects interests, attitudes, opinions, values, and emotions
Age appropriate
Material or instruction that has been determined suitable for a student's state of development