Ch. 11-13 AP BIO TEST Genetics


43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who was gregor Johann Mendel before he became a scientist?
-an austrian monk
What did Gregor mendel study at first?
The inheritance of traits in pea plants
What laws did gregor mendel develop?
The laws of inheritance
What did Gregor Mendel find from his studies of the plants?
The plants offspring retained traits from the parents
What was mendel called after he discovered what he did?
Father of genetics
What are the seven useful traits that mendel used when testing his experiment
Pea traits:
-flower color
-seed color
-seed shape
-pod color
pod shape
-flower position
-plant height
Why did mendel use peas?
- color is easy to tell apart, and can be grown in a small area but produce many offspring
-mature quickly
can be cross/self-pollinated
How did mendel manage to cross pollinate the peas plants
-used paintbrush to cross pollinate
-clipped stamens to prevent self-pollination
Definition of alleles
Different forms of a gene
Definition of "dominant"
- expressed form of trait (stronger)
Defintion of recessive
Trait does not show when dominant is present
Definition of trait
Any characteristic that can be passes from parent to offspring
Defintion of heredity
Passing traits from parent to offspring
Definition of genetics
Study of heredity
What is a monohybrid cross
-a cross involving a single trait
(plant color)