CH 13 Leadership Essentials


40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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________________ is a special case of interpersonal influence that gets an individual or group to do what the leader wants done.
Management v. leadership.
1. is doing things right.
2. is doing the right things.
3. is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success.
4. determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.
1. management
2. leadership
3. management
4. leadership
Definition: assume that traits play a central role in differentiating between leaders and non-leaders or in predicting leader or organizational outcomes.

behavioral theories | trait perspectives | transformational/charismatic perspectives | situational/contingency theories
Trait perspectives
Definition: assumes that leadership is central to performance and other outcomes; focus on leader behaviors rather than traits.

behavioral theories | trait perspectives | transformational/charismatic perspectives | situational/contingency theories
Behavioral theories
Definition: leader traits and behaviors can act in conjunction with __________________.; can enhance a leadership style.

behavioral theories | trait perspectives | situational/contingency theories
Definition: a manager's concern for people and concern for production.
The leadership grid
Part of the leadership grid
definition: attention to people's need for satisfying relationships creates comfortable, friendly organization.

team management | middle of the road management | country club management | authority-compliance
Country club management
Part of the leadership grid
definition: exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership.

team management | middle of the road management | country club management | authority-compliance
Impoverished management
Part of the leadership grid
definition: balancing need to produce with maintaining satisfactory level of morale, results in adequate organization performance.

team management | middle of the road management | country club management | authority-compliance
Middle of the road management
Part of the leadership grid
definition: committed people accomplish work: "common stake" in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect.
Team management
Part of the leadership grid
definition: work arranged to minimize human element interference, resulting in efficient operations.
Which leadership style can enhance effective leadership and can leader traits and behaviors can act in conjunction.
Situational-contingency approach
Measures a person's leadership style; respondents are asked to describe the person with whom they have been able to work least well --their least preferred coworker; task-motivated style. What term?
The least preferred coworker (LPC) scale
Describes LPC very positively; have a relationship-motivated style.
High-lpc leaders
Assumes that a leader's key function is to adjust his or her behaviors to complement situational contingencies such as those found in the work setting. State the term.
House's Path-Goal Theory