Ch. 2 6th Grade Social Studies

Review of agr iculture

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Name 3 disadvantages of living in a village.
1. floods 2. disease. 3. fire
Name the basic jobs of governments.
1. make laws/rules. 2. enforce laws/rules 3. keep order
How has increased farming effected the change in climate?
Farmers have cut down trees to create farm fields. Trees absorb CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase global warming. Less trees to absorb CO2 means more global warming.
What is the purpose of irrigation.
To provide water for crops and plants to grow.
How did specialization start?
With a surplus of food, not everyone would need to farm. People could learn new skills and did not have to farm to get their food.
When did Catal Huyuk exist and in what country?
Catal Huyuk was a town in Turkey that existed about 6500 BC.
Why was Catal Huyuk a good example of specialization?
Because not everyone in the town did the same thing. Not everyone farmed. People hunted, raised sheep and goats, and made clothes, jewelry and weapons.
What was the main purpose of shrines?
To hold religious ceremonies.
How did people first migrate from Asia to the Americas?
Long ago they were connected by land (land bridge) so people could simply walk.
What was the significance of cave art?
It showed how poeple lived. Animals they hunted, their ways of life, etc.
What is slash and burn and what is a common result of this practice?
Slash and burn is when people clear out trees and vegetation to create farm fields. Eventually the soil becomes poor and farmers have to move.
Define artifact.
Something made by man, such as a tool or a work of art, esp an object of archaeological interest.
Define custom.
A practice followed by people of a particular group or region.
Define values.
Beliefs of a person or social group
Define legacy.
A gift of personal property by will