Do You Know the Correct E merce Terminologies Flashcards

Do you know the correct e-commerce terminologies? Business in the world today is being done smoothly over the internet, and many institutions have left to either follow the trend or face unfavorable competitions. If you consider yourself quite knowledgeable when it comes to ecommerce, then these flashcards will help you prove it. How about you read them as refreshers and try tackling the quizzes which follow.

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Dependency ratio
Measure of economic impact of the young and old on more economically productive members of the population
The twentieth century's great growth in world population is due to a phenomenal decline in ________ rates.
Define demography
The study of population characteristics
The most widely used tool to assess the size, distribution and characteristics of a population are ________?
Why are inaccuracies in U.S. censuses a big deal?
Federal funding, congressional seats
A population density map of the world shows that the distribution of people's is most obviously affected by environmental factors such as what 4 things?
Water availability natural resources climate and topography
To a demographer, a group of people that begin something at the same time is known as ________?
Cohort (group of people i.e. all kids or all aged 55)
As the Baby Boom ages and the elderly cohorts get larget, the dependency ratio in the U.S. will increase or decrease?
In Sub-Saharan African countries hit hard by HIV/AIDS, ________ ________ have dropped the most sharply.
Life expectancy
A Texas that moved to Canada ________ from Texas and ________ to Canada
Emmgrates (out, leave), immigrate (in)
List typical examples of push factors.
War and social conflict
In the U.S., there have been numerous waves of internal voluntary migration. These include, ________ and ________ changes and western expansion of ________.
Economic, social, frontier
Writing on the eve of the Industrial Revolution, Thomas Malthus argued that population growth would exceed the ability of people to _________ themselves.
Most international population policies at the end of the 20th century have emphasized ________ birth rates.
The diffusion of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Afirca has been most prominent along ________ routes.