Ch 4 AIS- Relational Databases


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Database Management System (DMBS)
Interface b/w database & various application programs
Database System
Combo of database, DBMS, & app programs that access the database
Data Warehouse
Very large databases
Data Mining
Process of analyzing data repositories for new knowledge about company's data & busn processes
Logical View
How the user/programmer coceptually organizes & understands the data
Physical View
How & where the data are physically arranged & stored in the computer system
Data Model
Abstract representation of contents of database
Relational Data Model
Represents everything in the database being sotre in the form of tables (these tables are technically called relations)
Each row in a relation/table
Primary Key
Attribute or combo of attributes that uniquely identifies a specific row in a table. Usually a SINGLE attribute, but TWO+ attributes can jointly form primary key as long as it's a unique combo
Foreign Key
Attribute in table that is a primary key in another table; used to link tables
Update Anomaly
Changes/updates to data values are not correctly recorded (i.e. getting married in summer and it doesn't update for fall classes)
Insert Anomaly
When you can't store info about someone who hasn't particpated in purchase/act yet (i.e. can't record a customer if they haven't made a purchase yet; can't record Drew Nelson's yells for next year if he's not a yell leader this year yet)
Delete Anomaly
Deleting extra info that's attached to the original info you tried to delete. (i.e. deleted a row from the table & deleted all info about that customer rather than just deleting 1 sale in row)
Entity Integrity Rule
(Primary Key); ensures every row in every relation must represent data about some specific object in the real world