Ch 5 and 6

Customer serv ice at A

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A new proactive technological approach in customer service that empowers customers to go to a company's wesite and initiate most of the queries and functions that normally go through a call center is called
Customer self-service
Trying to anticipate and solve problems before they occur is called
Proactive problem solving
Some reasons consumers change providers is due to
All the above.
A complaint-handling system is structured from
Customer-relations policy
When implemented well, appropriate scripts include these key elements
Empathy and acknowldegement, reassurance and action
An open posture and kindhearted eye contact are examples of
A softening technique
Customers sometimes disapprove of unanticipated changes relative to
(aba) the ordering process, price structure, sales staff
The state of mind that customers have about a company and its products or services when expectations have been met or exceeded is called
Customer satisfaction
Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are used to create survey instruments and are called
Dimensions of measurement
Businesses use a variety of practical and available resources to get customer feedback and among them are
(aba) employees, mail surveys, comment cards
Surveys invite customers to criticize service, so the approach companies should take is
Not to take feedback results personally
The last step in recovering lost customers is to
Follow up
When working with customers, always
Under promise and over deliver
A document used by CSRs when conversing with customers that states consistent responses to common customer problems.
To be in variance or opposition to another. a ______ with a customer can jeopardize productivity, relationships at work, and ealings with customers.