Ch. 8: Political Parties

AP US Government Chapter 8: Political Parties

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Party competition
Battle between dems and reps for control over public offices
Political party
A team of men seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly-constituded office
Why parties are viewed as a three-headed-monster
1)party-in-the-electorate- individuals who see themselves as members, 2) party as organization- keep a natl office, employ staff, have budgets, keep party going between elections, 3)party in govt- the elected officials
Rational-choice theory
Parties and politicians have goals that are more important than ideology, parties + voters rational, will seek best choice, pursues far-reaching goals
2 trends for party in the electorate
1) party loyalty down, 2) divided govt becoming more common (normally no more than 2 yrs of party rule)
Party image
Voters' perception of what reps or dems stand for
Party ID
Citizen's self-proclaimed reference for 1 party or the other
Ticket splitting
Voting w/ 1 party for office and another party for other offices
Party machines
Relies heavily on material inducements to win votes and govern, fallen off
Closed, open, + blanket primaries
Closed- can only vote for registered party
open- can choose party then vote
blanket- vote for anybody
National convention, committee, chairman
Nominate and write platform; runs party between elections; day-to-day
Group of individuals w a common interest on which all parties depend
Critical elections
New issues emerge and coalitions break apart to form new ones, often has party realignment
New Deal Coalition
Forged by dems in 1930s-60s; urban working class, ethnic groups, jews, poor, southerners, af. americans, intellectuals
3 different kinds of 3rd parties
1) promotion of a certain cause- can be a controversial issue or an ideological issue/ belief, 2) splinter parties- off-shoots of major parties, 3) extension of a popular individual