Ch.17 Section 2,3 and 4

Health Ch.17 -2-3-4

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Protective factor
A factor that reduces a person's poptential for harmful behavior.
A psychoactive drug that slows brain and body reactions. Some are alcohol, barbiturates, and opiates.
Also called sedative-hypnotics. In small doses, it relaxes a person.
Is any drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pods of poppy plants.
A drug that speeds up activities of the central nervous system.
A powerful but short-acting stimulant. Cocaine abusers sniff the druge into the nose, smoke it, or inject it into the bloodstream.
A drug that distorts perception, thought, and mood. They also overload the brain w/ sensory info.
Marijuana is the leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Marijuana ma act as a hallucinogen, depressant, or a stimulant.
Club drugs
Drugs used in clubs to make a person seem drunk to either hurt or rape the person. Some include LSD, PCP, and rohypnol.
A breathable chemical vapor that produces mind-altering effects.
Therapeutic Community
A residential treatment center where former drug abusers live together and learn to adjust to drug-free lives.
An illegal opiate that is made from morphine in a labratory. Side effects are nausea, vomiting, and decreased alertness.