Chap 15 - Vocabulary

The Language of Medicing - Chap 15 Vocabulary

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Socket in the pelvis
joins femur to pelvis
Outward extension of the shoulder blade - forms the point
overlies the shoulder joint and articulates with the clavicle
Articular cartilage
Thin layer of cartiladge surrounding the bone in the joint space
Dense hard connective tissue composing the skeleton
Mineral constituent of bone
Cancellous bone
Spongy porous bone tissue
Cartilaginous tissue
Flexible rubbery connective tissue
Dense connective tissue protein strands found in bone
Compact bone
Hard dense bone tissue - found around outer portion of bones
Knuckle like process at the end of a bone near the joint
Cranial bones
Skull bones
ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid and temporal
Shaft or mid portion of a long bone
Flat round plate-like structures
Epiphyseal plate
Cartilaginous area at the ends of long bones
where length wise growth takes place
Facial bones
Bones of the face
lacrimal, mandibular, maxillary, nasal, vomer and zygomatic