Chapter 1- You and the EMS System

Introduction to EMS

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
The leading cause of death in the United States for persons age 1 to 35
Most common cause of hospitalization for persons under the age of 40
The federal agency charged with reducing accidetal injury and death on the nation's highways
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Formed out of the Highway Safety Act revision of 1970
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
How many levels of EMS providers are there? What are they?
4- Emergency Medical Responder- Emergency Medical Technician-Advanced EMT- Paramedic
A highly specialized chain of resources designed to minimize the impact of sudden injury and illness on our society
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system
How many key components has the NHTSA identified that assist the states in developing and assessing EMS components? What are they?
10-regulation & policy-resource management-human resources and training- transportation- facilities- communications-public information & education- medical direction-trauma systems- evaluation
A physician who assumes ultimate responsibility for the patient care aspects of the EMS system
Medical Director
Most basic level- approximated 40 hours of training- most often the first people on the scene of an emergency- trained to identify potential hazards, identify and treat immediate life threats,-assist other EMS personnel at the scene- trained to function with a minimum of equipment.
Emergency Medical Responder
Represents approximately 110 hours of training in nearly all areas of teh United States- minimum level of training for someone providing care on an ambulance-receives training in the assessment and care for patients while at the scene and during transport to an appropriate receiving facility-level of care provided is known as Basic Life Support-BLS
Emergency Medical Technician
Represents between 300-400 hours of instruction-first level that is referred to as Advanced LIfe Support-ALS-can administer certain medications, start intravenous lines, interpret and shock specific heart rhythms-provide more advanced airway management
Advanced EMT
Represents between 1,000-12,000 hours- currently the most advanced level of nationally recognized EMS care-can administer a wide variety of medications, initate intravenous lines, interpret and shock specific heart rhythms, insert advanced airways devices, perform a variety of other advanced procedures
This is one of the 10 essential elements of an EMS system and deals specifically with the creation of appropriate rules and regulations for each recognized component of the EMS system.
Regulation and policy
Which essential component of the EMS system deals with categorizing the functional capabilities of all individual health care facilities?