Death Chapter 10

Loss, Grief, Dying, & Death

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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When an autopsy is to be performed, should the nurse remove tubes, dressings, drains, & other equipment that is in place?
NO! Never
_____is a common depressed reaction to death of a loved one?
Which type of loss? Resulting from normal life transitions. Ex: Loss felt when leaving the family
What are the changes in V/S of the dying patient?
Slow, weak, & thready pulse Lowered Blood Pressure Rapid, shallow, irregular, or abnormally slow respirations
True or False? Death with dignity is the goal in caring for the dying patient?
To prevent pooling of blood causing discolorization of the face; the (after death), the nurse would_________?
Place a small pillow or folded towel under the head
How should the body be placed post death?
Supine with arms at sides, palms down or across the abdomen. * Not one hand over the other*
If mucous collects in the patients throat, you will hear noisy respirations referred to as______. A period of peace may immediatley precede the moment of death.
Death Rattle
The most crucial interventions for the dying patient?
Control of pain Preservation of dignity & self-worth Love & Affection
What are the signs of impending death?
Slow, thready, and weaker pulse lowered blood pressure Rapid, shallow, irregular, abnormally low respirations Mottling of the lower extremities
True or False? A DNR order means only that!! It does not mean to withhold hygeine, hydration, nutrition, or medications
Which stage of Kubler-Ross? "Yes, but.... often made with God. An attempt to postpone death
A ______ is a written document that directs treatment in accordance with a patients wishes in the event of a terminal illness or condition?
Living Will
Which stage of Kubler-Ross? "Yes, Me" Sadness & grief, Time of introspection, Patient struggles with painful realities, Prepares for death
______are signed & witnessed documents providing specific instructions for healthcare treatment in the event that a person is unable to make these decisions personally @ the time they are needed?
Advance Directives