Chapter 12: Economic Indicator and Measurement

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Business cycle
Series of growing and shrinkng periods of economic activitym measured by increasings or decreases in real GDP
Economic growth
Increase in a nation's real GDP over a period of time
A prolonged economic contraction lasting 2 or more quarters (6 months or more)
An extended period of high unemployment and reduced business activity
Periods during which prices rise at the same time that there is a slowdown in business activity
Aggregation demand
Sum of all the demand in the economy
Aggregate supply
Sum of all the supply in the economy
Macroeconomic equilibrium
The point where the quantity of aggregate demand equals the quantity of aggregate supply
Natural income accounting
A way of evaluating a country's economy using statistical measures of its income, spending, and output
Gross domestic product (GDP)
The market value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given time period
Nominal GDP
States GDP in terms of the current value of goods and services
Real GDP
States GDP corrected for changes in prices from year to year
Nonmarket activities
Services that have potential economic value but are performed without charge
Underground economy
Describes market activities that go unreported because they are illegal or because those involved want to avoid taxation
Gross national product (GNP)
The market value of all final goods and services produce by a country