Chapter 13 Evolution Vocabulary

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34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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artificial selection
Selected breeding of domesticated plants and animals to promote the occurance of desirable traits in offspring.
balancing selection
Natural selection that maintains stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms in a population. (balanced polymorphism)
The study of past and present distribution of species.
bottleneck effect
Genetic drigt resulting from a drastic rediction in population size.
comparative anatomy
The study of body structures in different organisms.
comparative embryology
The study of the formation, early growth, and development of different organisms.
Decent with modification
Darwin's word for evolved, it sumarized Darwin's view of life.
disruptive selection
Natural selection that favors extreme over intermediate phenotypes.
Genetic change in a population or species over generations;all the changes that transform life on earth; the heritable chanhes that produced Earth's diversity of organisms/
Evolutionary adaptations
An inherited characteristic that enhances an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
fossil record
The chronicle of evolution over millions of years of geologic time engraved in the order in which fossils appear in rock strata.
founder effect
Random chanhe in the gene pool that occurs in a small colony of population.
frequency dependent selection
A decline in the reproductive succes of a morph's phenotype resulting from the morphiphenotype becoming too common in a population; a cause of balanced polymorpism in populations.
gene flow
The gain or loss of alleles from a population by the movement of individuals or gametes into or out of the population.
gene pool
All the genes in a population ata ny one time.