Chapter 13 HRM and Payroll Cycle Flashcards

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The human resources management (HRM)/ payroll cycle
A recurring set of business activities and related data processing operations associated with effectively managing the employee workforce
Important tasks of HRM/payroll cycle
1. recruiting and hiring new employees 2. training 3. job assignment 4. compensation (payroll) 5. performance evaluation 6. discharge of employees due to voluntary or involuntary
Payroll systems primary function
Compensating employees
Who manages the payroll system
Five major sources of inputs to the payroll system
1. HRM department 2. employees 3. various departments (hours worked) 4.government agencies 5. insurance and other companies
_______ are the payroll system's principal output
Payroll check
Sent to the bank to transfer funds from the company's regular accounts to its payroll account
The costs associated with replacing an employee are _____ times that of an employees annual salary
Four key attitudes
1. employees believe they have the opportunity to do what they do best 2. they believe their opinions count 3. they think that coworkers are committed to quality 4. they understand the connection between their jobs and company's mission
The payroll system should be integrated with the HRM system so that management has easy access to
Data about employee related costs but also to info about employees skills and knowledge
Activities in the HRM/payroll cycle
1. update payroll master file 2.update tax rates and deductions 3. validate time and attendance data 4. prepare payroll 5. disburse payroll 6. calculate employer paid benefits and taxes 7. disburse payroll taxes and misc deductions
Updating payroll master file
New hires, terminations, changes in pay rates, or changes in discretionary withholdings-edit checks, records of employees who quit or are fired should not be deleted immediately
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Used to collect job time data for production employees
To prepare payroll you must first
Sort by employee number so that it is in the same sequence as the payroll master file
Second step in preparing payroll
Sum deductions and subtract from gross pay to obtain net pay