Biology Exam Chapter 15 Questions Flashcards

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Why did the improvement of microscopy techniques in the late 1800s set the stage for the emergence of modern genetics?
It allowed the study of meiosis and mitosis, revealing parallels between behaviors of genes and chromosomes
When Thomas Hunt Morgan crossed his red-eyed F1 generation flies to each other, the F2 generation included both red- and white-eyed flies. Remarkably, all the white-eyed flies were male. What was the explanation for this result?
A) The gene involved is on the X chromosome
) Morgan and his colleagues worked out a set of symbols to represent fly genotypes. Which of the following are representative?
C) vg+vgse+se × vgvgsese
Sturtevant provided genetic evidence for the existence of four pairs of chromosomes in Drosophila in which of these ways?
B) Drosophila genes cluster into four distinct groups of linked genes
A man with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) is expected to have any of the following EXCEPT
C) increased testosterone
A woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including 3 X chromosomes. Which of the following describes her expected phenotype?
D) Normal female
Males are more often affected by sex-linked traits than females because
A) males are hemizygous for the X chromosome.
What is the chromosomal system for determining sex in mammals?
D) X-Y
What is the chromosomal system for sex determination in birds?
E) Z-W
What is the chromosomal system of sex determination in most species of ants and bees?
A) Haploid-diploid
SRY is best described in which of the following ways?
A) A gene region present on the Y chromosome that triggers male development
In cats, black fur color is caused by an X-linked allele; the other allele at this locus causes orange color. The heterozygote is tortoiseshell. What kinds of offspring would you expect from the cross of a black female and an orange male?
D) Tortoiseshell females; black males
Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in humans. Two people with normal color vision have a color-blind son. What are the genotypes of the parents?
E) XCXc and XCY
Cinnabar eyes is a sex-linked recessive characteristic in fruit flies. If a female having cinnabar eyes is crossed with a wild-type male, what percentage of the F1 males will have cinnabar eyes?
E) 100%
Calico cats are female because
A) a male inherits only one of the two X-linked genes controlling hair color.