History Chapter 17 Flashcards

Learn about History Chapter 17 with our Flashcards Quizzes. Important topics of History Chapter 17 are covered in these Flashcard quizzes. Learn fast and in a smart way. Attempt and answer these flashcards quizzes easily and have a smooth experience with it.  

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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How did Samuel Gompers use the idea of freedom of contract?
As an argument against interference by judges with worker's right to organize unions
Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that
for the United States to be a Great Power, it was imperative that it build a strong navy.
What was not part of the Populist platform?
Higher tariffs
The election of 1896
is sometimes called the first modern presidential campaign.
The Supreme Court decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark ruled that
The Fourteenth Amendment gave Asians born in the United States citizenship.
Between 1890 and 1906, black suffrage was
all of the above
The Teller Amendment stated that
the United States would not anned Cuba
William McKinley justified annexation of the Philippines as the United States
all of the above
William Jennings Bryan
ran for president in 1896 on the free silver platform.
After the 1890's American Expansionism
was fueld in part by the need for new markets.
How did the Civil War come to be remembered by the 1890's as the white North and South moved toward reconciliation?
As a tragic family quarrel among white Americans in which blacks played no significant part.
Which statement about the Spanish-American War is true?
The war lasted only four months and resulted in less than 400 battle casualties.
Founded in 1886, the American Federation of Labor
restricted membership to only skilled workers.
The New South, as promoted by Henry Grady,
attempted to appeal to northern interests but failed to bring prosperity to the region.
The Platt Amendment
authorized the United States to intervene militarily in Cuba.