Chapter 18 Set II

Thorax and Lu ngs

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What should be inspected when gathering the objective data of the Thoracic Cage of the Posterior Chest?
The shape and configuation of chest wall, position person takes to breath, skin color and condition
The anteroposterior diameter should be less than _________ __________, ratio should be 1: __ or 5:___
Transverse diameter, 2, 7
If the anteroposterior = transverse diameter
Barrel Chest
What should be checked when palpating the posterior chest?
Symmetric chest expansion, tactile fremitus, and the entire chest wall.
How do you confirm symmetric chest expansion?
By placing your warmed hands on the posterolateral chest wall with thumbs at the level of T9 or T10, slide your hands to pinch up a small fold of skin and ask person to take deep breath. your hands should move apart symettrically.
Fremitus is
A palpable vibration
How do you assess for Tactile Fremitus?
Use the palmar base of the fingers or ulnar edge of one hand and touch the person's chest while he or she repeats the words "ninety-nine" or "blue moon"
What are some factors that affect the normal intensity of tactile fremitus?
Location of bronchi to chest wall, thickness of chest wall, pitch and intensity ( loud low= more fremitus , soft, high = less fremitus)
What is crepitus?
Coarse crackling sensation palpable over the skin surface., air escapes from the lung and enters the subcutaneous tissue, as with a surgery or injury.
When percussing the posterior chest what do you examine?
Lung fields and predominant notes, resonance, diaphragmatic excursion,
What does resonance sound like in healthy lung tissue in the adult?
Low pitched, clear, hollow sound.
What is hyperresonance?
Lower pitched booming sound found when too much air is present.
What does a dull note signify?
Abnormal density in the lungs as w/ pneumonia, pleural effusion, atelectasis or tumor.
What are some extraneous noises that may be confused w/ lung pahtology?
Examiner's breathing on steth, steth tubing bumping together, patient shivering, hairy chest, rustiling of paper gown.
What are the three types of normal breath sounds in the adult and older child?
Bronchial, bronchovesicular, and vesicular