History Chapter 1

History and Career opportunities 

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which civilization was the first to infuse essential oils from the leaves, bark , and blossoms of plants for use as perfumes and for purification purposes.
The egyptions
Archaeological studies reveal that haircutting and hairstyling were practiced in some form as eary as ?
The ice Age
The art and science of beautifying and improving the skin hair and nails is ?
The first culture to cultivate beauty in an extravagant fashion was ?
The egyptions
In 3000 b.c the first recorded use of a hair-coloring agent was the use of
Hairdressing was an art during the time if the _______ for thoes who wore elaborate wigs and head dresses.
Middle ages
During the middle ages, women wore colored makeup on their ?
In ancie rome haircolor was used by women to indicate
Class in society
The barber pole has its roots of origin in what profession
To chieve a look of greater intelligence during the renaissance, women
Shaved their eyebrows and hairline
A popular method of adding color to the face during the victorian age was to
Pince the cheeks to induce natural color
In 1938 arnold f willatt developed a method of permanent waving that used a waving lotion with no heat called a
Cold wave
In 1932 charles revson o revlon marketed the first
Nail polish
In 1998 creative nail design introduced the first spa
To be a successful salon manager it is important to have
Ability to manage people