Explain the Physiology of Culture and Interpersonal Communication Flashcards

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 213

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___ is the process that occurs when members of two or more cultures or co-cultures exchange messages in a manner that is influenced by their different cultural perceptions and symbol systems, both verbal and non-verbal.
Intercultural Communication
Your new friend, Nguyen feels uncomfortable feels uncomfortable responding to a professor's question in class. He says that in his culture, it is not appropriate because the student and the professor are perceived as unequal. Nguyen is describing:
High Power Distance
Rather than classifying some exchanges as intercultural and others as free of cultural influences, it's more accurate to talk about:
Degrees of Cultural Significance
Jessica is a big Cleveland Browns fan. When she goes to a Cleveland home game, she identifies her fellow Browns fans as part of her:
Collectivist cultures, in comparison to individualist cultures; tend to:
Define themselves in terms of group membership
Most scholars believe intercultural competence:
  • Motivation and Attitude
  • Knowledge and Skill
  • Open-Mindedness
Mason places a great deal of importance on gaining wealth and getting a promotion, while Gavin believes in the importance of helping and supportive relationships. They are experiencing value differences associated with:
Achievement vs Nurturing
When an Israeli views an Arab as being evasive, while the Arab views the Israeli as overly blunt; they are encountering value differences primarily associate with:
High vs Low Context
Race is a category originally used to explain to differences between people. However, as race has little use in explaining individual differences; scholars now use the term ___ to the degree in which a person identifies with a particular group.
Betty doesn't think it's important to get her parent's opinion before making a large purchase. She is not concerned with whether her decision is acceptable to all members of her family. Betty's beliefs affect a/an ___ orientation to culture.
In the North American culture; categories such as age, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities are all considered:
Kimiko relies heavily on subtle, often non-verbal cues to maintain social harmony. Kimiko is from what type of culture?
High Context
Workers in factories in ___ cultures don't expect to be asked their opinion regarding managerial decisions.
High Power Distance
When a North American answers a question who am I, by citing individual factors and an Asian answers the same question by identifying she/he is a member; they are expressing value differences associated with:
Individualism vs Collectivism
Mathias, who is from Australia, is praised for asking his teachers questions. Angelica, a Philipino student, sees questioning her teachers as inappropriate. They are exhibiting values associated with which concept?
Power Distance