Chapter 2 Review

Review of important terms and concepts

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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A set of principles prescribing behaviors that are morally correct
Example of ethics
Researchers are obligated to follow code of ethics established by Americal Psychological Association
Critical incidents
Method, used by ethics committees, that surveys psychologists and asks for examples of unethical behavior by psychologists
Research participants
Any person who takes part in and contribute data to a research study in psychology
Example of research participants
Name traditionally used to refer a human or animal research participants
What are humans in a study called?
Research participants or subjects
What are animals and pre-verbal infants in a study called?
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
University committee responsible for evaluationg whether research propsals provide adequate protection of the rights of participants
Where IRBs must exist?
At universities and colleges receiving federal fund
Eithical decision making that goes into planning of study; refers to the chance that participating in research would have greater costs than benefits
Informed consent
Idea that persons should be given sufficient info about a study to make their decision to participate as a subect an informed & voluntary one
A research strategy in which participants are not told of all detals of an experiment; used for the purpose of avoiding demand characteristics
To give assent is to say "yes"; refers to the willingness on the part of the child to participate in a study
A post experimental session in which the experimenter explains the study's purpose, reduces any discomfort felt by the participants & answer questions