Chapter 22 Enlightenment and Revolution, 1550-1789

Chapter 22  

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Published more than 70 books of political essays, philosophy, and drama. never stopped fighting for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech.
Heliocentric theory or suncentered theory- the sun was the center of the universe.
Francis Bacon
English statesman and writer, who had a passionate interest in science.invented the empiricism or experimental method.
A brilliant mathematician who was Tycho Brahe's assistant.concluded that certain mathematical laws govern planetary motion. That the planets revolve around the sun.
Was A philosopher that held a different, more positive, veiw of human nature. That people should learn from experience and inprove themselves.
A French writer who devoted himself to the study of political liberty. He believed that Britian was the best-governedand most politically balanced country of his own day.
Helped bring together their breakthroughs under a single theory of motion. He studied math and physics. He discovered that the same force ruled motion of the planets and all matter on earth and in space.
Expressed views called Leviathan. Made an agreement with the people which created a government was called social contract.
Catherine the Great
Was the ruler who was most admired by the philosophes (Catherine II)
Italian scientist who built on new theories about astronomy. He was a believer in Copernicus.
Denis Diderot
Wrote The Encyclopedia
Tycho Brahe
A Danish astronoer who carefully recorded the movements of the planets for many years.
Robert Boyle
Pioneered the use of the scientific method in chemistry.Challenged Aristotle's idea that the physical world consisded of four elements- earth, air, fire and water.He proposed that matter was made up of smaller primary particles.