Chapter 29 Periodontics Flashcads

Study about Chapter 29 Periodontics with these quiz based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about Chapter 29 Periodontics with this.

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Who are the 4 people in the periodotal team?
1. Periodontist
2. Dental Assistants
3. Dental Hygienists
4. Business office staff
What the 4 Periodontal Structures?
2. Periodontal Ligament
3. Alveolar bone
4. Cementum
What is the role of the periodontist in the perodontal team?
Screens patients and coordinates with the dentist
What is the dental assistants role in the periodontal team?
Room preparation and chairside assisting
What is the Dental Hygienists role in the Periodontal Team?
Cleanings and examinations
What is the Dental Assistant's Role?
1. Place and remove periodontal dressing
2. Remove sutures
3. Coronal Polish
4. Radiographs
5. Impressions
6. Fluoride treatments
7. Patient education
What are the 6 Symptoms of Periodontal disease?
1. Bleeding and Inflammed gums
2. Periodontal pockets
3. Malocclusion (wrong bite)
4. Halitosis (bad breathe)
5. Tissue recession , abnormal contour
6. Pain, tenderness, discoloration
What are the 6 causes of Periodontal(Gingivitis) Disease?
1. Local Irritants
2. Poor Oral Hygiene
3. Improper Nutrition
4. Malocclusion
5. Stress
6. Systemic Factors
What are the Systemic Factors?
1. Horomonal imbalance
2. Diseases
3. Medications
What are the 3 Classifications of Periodontal disease?
1. Gingivitis
2. Periodontitis
3. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG)
What are the 2 ways that Gingivitis is induced?
1. Plaque induced
2. Non-plaque induced
Periodontitis is ----------------?
What are the 6 symptoms of ANUG?
1. Inflamed gingiva
2. metallic taste
3. bad breathe
4. pain
5. tissue hemorrhage
6. Pus
How many years does it take Sublingual Calsulus?
What 8 things are included in the Periodontal Examination?
1. Plaque
2. Periodontal probes
3. Tooth mobility
4. Furction involvement
5. Appearance of gingiva
6. Bleeding/Suppuration
7. Recession
8. Occlusion