Anthropology Chapter 3 Questions


11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What branch of psychology did William Wundt come up with?
What branch of psychology was related to William James?
Sigmund Freud was responsible for which branch of psychology?
Behaviourism was related to which psychologist?
John Watson
What are the three types of work psychologists do?
Research, Applied, Clinical
What is Obsessive-Compulsive disorder is categorized as?
Anxiety Disorders
What are the 3 ingredients of love according to Robert Sternburg?
Passion, Intimacy and Commitment.
Why is sleep an important part of a human life?
Sleep may replenish chemicals lost during the waking period. It may also play a role in the growth process.
What are the 3 components of emotion?
Cognitive component, Physical component and Behavioural component.
What is eustress?
Positive stress
What are the 3 stages in the General Adaptation Syndrome?
Alarm, Ressistance and Exhausation.