Chapter 3 Review ECG

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the common type of SVT
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
Sinus arrest is a disorder of?
Impulse formation
Which of the following rhythms originates in the SA node and is commonly Phasic with breathing?
Sinus arrythmia
Sinoatrial block is a disorder of?
Impulse conduction
Lead II views what?
Inferior surface of the left ventricle
As you measure intervals on ryhtym strip you recall that the normal duration of the PR interval is?
.12 to .20
Analysis of the patients ECG reveals ST-segment depression. This suggests what?
Myocardial Ischemia
Patients ryhtym is sinus bradycardia, he has an o2 stat of 92%. You administer supplemental O2. secon set of vitals remains the same. What is true of the patient?
Showing signs of hemodynamic compromise. Iv should be established and a 12 lead ECG obtained
The patient symptoms persist and vitals are unchanged. Cardiac monitor shows sinus bradycardia with ST-segment depression. You should administer?
Possible causes of Sinus tachycardia
Ecercise, fever, pain, dehydration
Appearance of P waves that originate from the SA node
Smooth, rounded, and upright
Dysrhythmia with a pause that is the same as (or an exact multiple of) the distance betwee two other P-P intervals
SA Block
If the SA node fails to generate an impulse, the next (escape) pacemaker that should generate an impulse.
AV Junction
Common Dysrhythmia associated with changes in intrathoracic pressure.
Sinus arrhythmia
Possible causes of sinoatrial block
Damage or disease to the SA node from acute MI