Chapter 31 The Reproductive Systems

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49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is the def. for fertilization?
The process in which an egg unites with a sperm.
What is the def. for Fibroid?
A benign tumor in the uterus composed of fibrous tissue.
Fringe-like structures that border the entrances of the fallopian tubes.
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
A hormone that in females stimulates the production of estrogen by the ovaries; in males, it stimulates sperm production.
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GNRH)
Hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
A hormone secreted by cells of the embryo after implantation. It maintains the corpus luteum in the ovary so it will continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone.
Surgical removal of the uterus.
A disorder in which a male cannot maintain an erect penis to complete sexual intercourse; also called erectile dysfunction.
The funnel-like end of the uterine tube near an ovary. It catches the secondary oocyte as it leaves the ovary.
Interstitial Cell
A cell located between the seminiferous tubules that is responsible for making testosterone.
Substance secreted by the placenta that stimulates the enlargement of the mammary glands.
luteinizing hormone (LH)
Hormone that in females stimulates ovulation and the production of estrogen; in males, it stimulates the production of testosterone.
Mammary Glands
Accessory organs of the female reproductive system that secrete milk after pregnancy.
The first menstrual period.
The termination of the menstrual cycle due to the normal aging of the ovaries.