World History Chapter 39 Part 3

Chapter 39 ap world history

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Post ww2 sees the rise of african
Nationalism or pan africanism
Kwame Nkrumah uses boycotts and strikes to free the gold coast from british rule. in 1957 they become the first african states to gain independence from Britain; they change their name to
The OAU "organization for african unity" is formed to promote independence and economic ties between
Newly independent african nations
In kenya, jomo kenyatta- becomes leader of african
1954 to 1962 the algerian war of independence was fought agaisnt the french. this war was bloody and led to the death of thousands. ------ was a leader of the algerian independence movement and came to symbolize revolutionary movements throughout the world
Frantz fanon
African intellectuals had created a ---- movement dedicated to the freedom of sub-Saharan african nations
1960 became the year of africa because 13 ---- colonies won their independence
After colonization ended there was much ethnic and religious fighting . this was caused in part by the colonization lines set by
Europeans at the berlin conference
In south africa apartheid became law in 1948, virtually discriminating agaisnt all blacks- forcing htem to live in "homelands" carrying passes when traveling and being completely segregated from the
White south africans
In 1990 african national congress leader nelson mandela is relaeased from prison and apratheid endsmandela wins
All race election in 1994
Today african economies suffer from
Lack of capital investment and the growth of cash crop and export of raw material
Mexico under president lazaro cardenas tried to bring
Revolutionary reforms to mexico
Cardenas nationalized the oild industry, set up a program of land reform, and he treid to keep mexico free from the
Economic interests of american as much as possible
In argentina they also tried to remain free of us influence. juan peron used ---- policies to run his government. he appealed to the downtrodden and embarked on a policy of industrialization and nationalism
After ww2 up until the 1980s most of latin america was ruled by
Caudillos or dictators