Chapter 4 Biomechanical Principles of Training

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What branch of science views the human body as a mechanical system of movable parts put in motion by the application of forces?
What principle states that in order for a training adaptation to take place (an increase in muscular strength or size) a greater than normal stress (force or load) must be applied to produce this adaptation?
Overload principle
What muscles flex the elbow?
Biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis
Which law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted on by and external force?
Law of inertia
Which law states the linear acceleration of an object is produced by a force directly proportional to that force and inversely proportional to the objects mass?
Law of acceleration
Which law states that for every force there is a reaction force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction?
Law of reaction
Negative work in RT means:
A resistance movement in which the weight is lowered
What is an eccentric contraction?
They occur when an active muscle (contracting) is lengthened by an external force or moment.
What is the muscular contraction force created through the so called sliding filament theory?
Active muscle force
What force refers to the fact that this force is generated not by the muscle itself but by the application of an outside force to pre stretch the muscle?
Passive muscle force
What is a physiological consequence of a muscles ability to produce both active and passive force (tension)? Ex: Squat then jump
The length tension relationship of a muscle