Chemical Sentence Chapter 4 Cards

Mr. R's Chapter 4 Cards

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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All organisms get energy by breaking dwon the ____ _____ in food and making ____ and other molecules.
Chemical compounds ATP
The molecule, called adenosine triphosphate or ____ is the chief energy-storing molecule used by organisms.
Organisms that cna make food from carbon dioxide and an energy source such as sunlight are called ______.
Organisms that cannot make their own food are called _______.
List three types of heterotrophs.
A. animals B. fungi C. unicellular organisms
List three types of autotrophs.
A. Plants B. Algae C. Some bacteria
What food is mainly made by autotrophs?
The process by which autotrophs convert sujnlight to a usable form of energy is ________.
A _____ is a molecule that absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others.
The most common and important of these photosynthetic pigments is called _____. _____ absorbs violet, blue, and red light.
A ____ is an organelle that perfoms photosynthesis.
The process of constructing carbohydrates from carbon dioxide- the second stage of photosynthesis occurs in the _____ ______.
Calvin cycle
What is a thylakoid?
A thylakoid contains ligt collecting photosystems with chlorophyll.
Thylakoids occur in stacks called _____.
The process by which glucose molecules are broken down to release engergy is _____ ______.
Cellular respiration.