Chapter 6: B2B Markets

Chapter 6 B2b Marketing

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Business to business marketing
Marketing g/s that bus + org buy for purposes other than personal consumption; some firms resell g/s to make a profit; others use g/s to produce other g/s
Business to business markets
(organizational markets) - manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, organizations
Organizational markets
B2B Markets
Derived demand
Ø a business’ demand for g/s comes directly or indirectly from consumers’ demand for what it produces
-The success of one company may depend on another company in a different industry
Inelastic demand
Changes in price have little or no effect on the quantity demanded
Joint demand
Two or more goods are necessary to create a product
-Supply of one of these parts decreases, manufacturer will be unable to produce as many products, and will not buy as many of the other items either
Fluctuating demand
§ Changes in consumer demand can create large increases or decreases in business demand § A product’s life expectancy – bus consumers tend to purchase some g/s infrequently
Purchase products for use in the production of other g/s (to sell and make a profit)
- Customers for products from raw materials to goods that other producers manufacture
purchase finished goods for reselling, renting, leasing to others to make a profit
-Provide customers with time, place, possession utility
Government markets
- fed, state, county, local gov’ts that buy g/s to carry out public objectives § Make up largest single business and organizational market in the US
Not for profit institutions
Organizations with charitable, educational, community, other public service goals that buy g/s to support their functions and attract/serve their members
North American Industry Classification System (NCAIS)
Numerical coding system (that US, Canada, MX) used to classify firms into detailed categories according to their bus. activities
Characterizes the degree of time and effort required to make a decision
Straight rebuy
Bus buyers make routine purchases that require minimal decision making
Modified rebuy
Bus buyers shop around for suppliers with better prices, quality, delivery